Jumat, 21 April 2017

Telling My Plans

My plans for the future the one is want to graduate with best grades and then after that i wish for the future i can work in Tax Office and i want to be “Dirjen Pajak” .  Then, i will go to Mecca with my family for pray together in there. I hope my parents always be healthy and longlife until saw the  children success in the world. I promise to make there always happy and that feel so lucky to having me and my brother.

After that the one my plan is i gettin marry with someone loves me and my family,then i’ll be family and have two son and one daughter. I hope my life always happy with my family then.

And then i have many plans of my life, i wanna be bussiness woman. i want to have a boutique in Kemang area. And i will build the boutique with my bestfriend. Somehow i’m interested with fashion because fashion will not die,there will continue to grow. Although i’m not in the fashion. But i’m interested in that. And that’s all my plans in my life,i hope that my plan can comes true. Aamiin

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