Kamis, 23 Maret 2017

Share Your Moments

 It is one of the pictures is very memorable for me because in this photo my first time to establish the heart to close the genitals. As a Muslim is obliged to close the genitals. From last year, but I want to wear veils, my heart is disbelief. There are still many doubts in my heart before I use hijab. Previously I have the intention to wear the hijab after marriage, then my parents reminded me "why did you wait a long time to do good?" I was thinking. It turns out my parents correct advice I immediately decided to wear the hijab. After I use the hijab many changes in myself one of them is to pray five times I always do, apart from that I got a lot of support from friends and those closest to me. They are happy when the time was moved from the previous one. And my parents were very happy when I decided to hijab. This is my experience, where your experience?

name : Afiffah
Class: 3EB10
npm : 20214398

Kamis, 16 Maret 2017

Explanation Of Subject,Verb and Complement

1.     Subject
Subject complement is a noun , pronoun , adjective , or another construction (acting as a noun or adjective ) following verbs of being or linking verb and serves to explain or refer to the subject of the sentence .
Subject complement is divided into three , namely : predicate adjective ( subjects connected with the adjective ) , predicate noun ( subject associated with the noun ) , and predicate pronoun ( subject connected with the pronoun ) .
Example :
·         David plays the piano.
·         My Dog attacked the burglar.
2.     Verb
Verb ( verb ) is a function word to indicate the action of the subject , showing events or circumstances . Verb is one of the eight parts of speech .
English verbs are not always simple shape ( one word ) , but may be the result of a combination of phrases into phrasal verbs with particle ( get in , make-up , read over ) .
Example :
·         We buy some books to learn English verbs.
·         Paul is rides bicycle.
3.     Complement
A complement is the part of a Sentence that comes after the VERB and is needed to make the sentence complete.
Example :
·         They talked about what needed doing
4.     Modifier
Tells the time, place or manner of the action. Very often it’s a prepositional phrase. Prepotional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun.
Note :
A modifier of time usually comes last if more than one modifier is present.
Example :

·         John bought a book at the bookstore.
·         Marry was swimming in the pool yesterday.

So,that’s all the explanation about subject,verb,complement and modifier.
So, I will make a sentence with subject,ver,complement and modifier.
Example :

·         My brother has dimple on right cheek.
·         He found elephant in the zoo.
·         He is my Boyfriend


 name : Afiffah
 Class : 3EB10
 NPM : 20214398